World Science Day for Peace and Development 2020

November 9, 2020
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Today is UNESCO’s World Science Day for Peace and Development, a day that highlights the role of science in society and the need to include everyone in conversations about current scientific issues. Celebrated every year on November 10, it also emphasizes the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives. You can see how everyone is honouring today on social media with the hashtag #ScienceDay!

“From the universe expanding to the phones in our pockets, science is everywhere.” UNESCO

As the global pandemic has shown how crucial science is when working to overcome worldwide challenges, this year’s theme is Science for and with Society. “The current crisis should serve as a wakeup call regarding the urgency for increased financing and support of scientific research and collaboration,” writes Audrey Azoulay, the Director-General of UNESCO, adding that this extends beyond the natural sciences to include social and human sciences. “The virus is an all-encompassing societal issue.” 

This day is a reminder and an open invitation to participate in scientific discussions and activities. Everyone, from government officials to the media and to students, are called to take action in science for peace and development! Not only does science become more accessible and inclusive when it is closely tied to society, we can also better understand our precious home, planet Earth and build more just, more compassionate and more sustainable societies.

The celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development first occured in 2001, and has since produced many projects, programs and funding for science, as well as fostered collaboration between scientists, all around the world! All of this helps to achieve its four goals:

  • Strengthen public awareness on the role of science for peaceful and sustainable societies;
  • Promote national and international solidarity for shared science between countries;
  • Renew national and international commitment for the use of science for the benefit of societies;
  • Draw attention to the challenges faced by science and raising support for the scientific endeavour.

You can help celebrate today by spreading the word wherever you are, whether through your school, community, city, government, organizations, traditional media and social media! Start conversations in your class to discover how science and technology affect our everyday lives, or attend a virtual science museum event! Whatever you do to celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development, let us know what you’re doing and tag us on social media! Learn more about today here

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