Showcasing Your Research

One of the main goals of Science Rendezvous is to showcase the world-class scientific research going on right here at home. Each institution has uniquely specific research going on within, and SR provides a platform for your researchers and innovators to demonstrate their work to the public and garner large-scale support for the sciences.

Participating in SR gives faculty the opportunity to exhibit the advances they have made in their fields, and give back to the community that funds the majority of research in Canada. SR provides a level of accountability to the public as to where research funding goes, why it is important, and what advances have been made as a result – publicly exhibiting the research and innovation at your institution is the most effective means of securing the future of research funding in Canada. Through SR we can generate a scientifically literate society, and engender real public ownership of Canadian science that will inform the decision makers, and policy development of today and tomorrow.

Individual departments will be responsible for designing and constructing the demonstrations that best showcase their research (please see below for how to communicate your research and displays to the general public). The best use of the Departmental Pavilions (see below) is exhibiting the research and innovation at your institution. The central organizing committee or Executive Committee will need to take into account the input and requirements from each department in the logistical coordination of the event.

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