Core Event Programming

  • Departmental Pavilions: These pavilions house departmental exhibits and showcase demonstrations, pieces of equipments, ‘ask a Scientist’ booths or other projects of the departments. If the event is held outdoors it is highly recommended that these pavilions be housed underneath tents or canopies. If they are held indoors there should be clear indication through signs and maps where the pavilions are located, and to which departments they belong. Sign posts work well if your campus is spread out.
  • Science Carnival: The carnival is meant to be an event that joins and surrounds the departmental pavilions. It typically contains various components such as:
    • Science Buskers (stationary or mobile demonstrations presented by volunteers, such as a Non-Newtonian Fluid pool, Chemistry Volcanoes, Make your own Slime, or even the Physics of Juggling and Stilt Walking)
    • Historical Figures (volunteers dress up and impersonate famous historical scientists and interact with guests).
    • The Science Carnival should be held in a centralized location – ideally along a blocked off street (please see below for procedures regarding street closure) – outside, and should involve the largest and most visually interesting exhibits.
  • Science Stage: The stage may not be an actual structure, but should be an elevated or prominently located area with long range visibility. The stage may be used for opening and closing ceremonies, science shows (i.e. a chemistry or physics magic show), event announcements, or live music. Presenting live acts, either musical or scientific in nature, serves to attract the attention of passersby and increase attendance at your event. The stage also helps create a festival atmosphere of celebration and excitement.
  • INVENTours: INVENTours include highly interactive lab tours, guided by a faculty member or graduate student and a multitude of other hands-on demonstrations and activities throughout your entire event space. INVENTours is comprised of your most interactive and engaging activities and exhibits; participation by all departments is encouraged.
  • The Amazing Science Chase: Modeled after the Amazing Race, this athletic competition of the mind has found great success at our SR events. The Chase is a themed scavenger hunt-style race that takes participants on a tour of your campus and your SR event, solving scientific problems along the way. With varying levels of difficulty according to age-group and athletic ability, this race involves several check points at which contestants must complete a puzzle or solve a problem. A more detailed template of this event program is available.

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