Coordinator Responsibilities

Being a Science Rendezvous coordinator can be an extraordinary experience. It’s also a big commitment. Our job is to help you make sure you’re ready to take the Science Rendezvous leap.

If you’re thinking about becoming a Science Rendezvous coordinator, below is a list of responsibilities for you to review.

Create a Science Rendezvous experience

Big collaborative events, exciting hands-on experiences, creative programming and a multidisciplinary showcase are just a few qualities that make a great Science Rendezvous event. You’ll be expected to capture the spirit of Science Rendezvous in your event by making community connections and lighting a spark of curiosity that will inspire life-long learning in the next generation of scientists and innovators.

Bring together local STEAM researchers and professionals, and showcase diversity

As a Science Rendezvous organizer, you’ll have the opportunity to feature live demonstrations, shows, talks and more at your event bringing attention to undiscovered voices in your community. Actively seek out those extraordinary people who have been heard and seen by few, but have a fresh approach in their field, a unique personality, story to tell, or a new perspective to share – which they can convey in a dynamic way.

Excite and delight your attendees

Set a record for building the world’s largest DNA model, create the fastest/longest/deepest oobleck run, create an interactive chemistry magic show in the dark, have an “ask an astronaut” event on stage, discuss the chemistry of fireworks while watching fireworks through diffraction glasses… These are all ways that coordinators have taken their Science Rendezvous event to the next level.  STEAM Big! What can you bring to your event that your attendees will remember for the rest of the year (if not the rest of their life)?

Lead your team

Volunteers are the backbone of all Science Rendezvous events.  Recruiting a strong executive team and group of organized, impassioned people for event day will be critical for your Science Rendezvous event.  They will need guidance and leadership along the way.   We know managing people can be tough work, but strong, thoughtful leadership can go a long way. Every person on your team should feel like they’re part of a caring, trusting and accountable community. Be an advocate for them, and their support will follow.  Some volunteers have now been a part of Science Rendezvous for over 10 years!

Celebrate the national efforts of all Science Rendezvous events

By becoming a coordinator for Science Rendezvous, you are joining a network full of creative, passionate coordinators. Some have been involved with Science Rendezvous for 10+ years and have built legacy events reaching 5,000-30,000 people on the day.  These coordinators will share their plans and will be a valuable source for inspiration.  Coordinators are always willing to share their experiences and expertise with the SR team.  We believe we are all stronger together. Ask questions, get involved, use your Science Rendezvous event logo and hashtags often, understand and spread the idea of Science Rendezvous, and invest yourself in the spirit of the Science Rendezvous community.

Put in the work

Organizing a Science Rendezvous event is a big undertaking, so make sure you have the time and dedication required to create a great event.  We are here with you to help you manage the timeline September to May, and to ensure that your time is protected.  We love STEAM and we love to share our love of STEAM with the world! Join us, bring your passion, and it will be an experience you’ll never forget. The sky is the limit, STEAM Big!


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